Is Your Smile Vacation-Ready? Book Your Dental Checkup | Cosmetic Dentistry Center
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Discolored teeth are just not that attractive, even if they are strong and healthy, so why put up with this look when the solution is so simple and quick? If you have been thinking about tooth whitening treatment, then you might have considered buying one of the many over-the-counter tooth whitening kits, or even something online. While these may initially seem an economical and easy choice, they have the potential to end up damaging your teeth. Why take the risk with something as valuable as your smile and your dental health? Opt for professional tooth whitening.

Why Professional Tooth Whitening Is Better

Your adult teeth are meant to last for life, but they can only do so if you look after them properly. With a professional tooth whitening treatment, our dentists here at the Cosmetic Dentistry Center will take every precaution to make sure you receive safe, predictable results and will gently whiten your smile in a way that is comfortable, quick and effective.

Our dentists are trained to safely use professional strength whitening gels. Teeth whitening isn’t suitable for everybody and it’s vital you have a quick checkup prior to whitening. So what is the purpose of this check-up?

Why Your Dental Check-Up Prior to Whitening Is Important

During your initial checkup we will assess your dental health, making sure you don’t have any signs of tooth decay or gum disease that could affect your tooth whitening treatment. Our dentist will also be able to determine the reason for your teeth becoming stained and discolored and can predict the type of results that can be safely achieved with a professional tooth whitening treatment. The next step is to decide how you would like to whiten your stained or discolored teeth. Our dental office is able to offer two methods, both of which work equally well.

Tooth Whitening Treatment in Our Dental Office

This is the quickest way to whiten as your lips and gums will be protected before a concentrated whitening gel is painted onto your teeth. The gel can be activated by a special light that helps it to penetrate your teeth more easily, enhancing the effects and speeding up treatment. In just an hour or so you should see your teeth become visibly lighter. It’s often a nice idea to continue whitening at home using our custom-made whitening trays for maximum effect.

Custom-Made Home Whitening Trays

These can be used in conjunction with our in-chair whitening treatment or as a stand-alone treatment. The trays will fit comfortably over your teeth, preventing the gel from leaking out. You will be shown exactly how to use the trays and you simply need to leave them in for a few hours each day or even overnight. Treatment can take one or two weeks or slightly longer, depending on the current shade of your teeth. It’s a good treatment if you have particularly sensitive teeth as we can prescribe a lower strength whitening gel so you can whiten more slowly and comfortably.

A professional tooth whitening treatment is a lovely way to boost the appearance of your smile, and it’s just one of a comprehensive range of cosmetic dentistry treatments we offer. To find out more about how to improve your smile, contact us to schedule your appointment. We can tailor your treatment plan to fit in with your budget, and your desires for a more beautiful smile.


  1. Sonya Reichert
    07.11.2018 at 13:07

    Fugit et eveniet ad omnis enim tempore rerum. Perferendis maiores a culpa sit earum possimus sapiente. Iusto molestiae quisquam sint in aspernatur quod quam.

    • Chris Karter
      08.11.2018 at 08:41

      Curabitur risus purus, ornare at pulvinar ac, tempor et lacus. Sed a ornare dolor, ac aliquam ipsum. Aliquam dignissim ut lorem eget tristique. Nulla in commodo justo. Vestibulum eu nunc ac metus rhoncus commodo. Nunc ut risus vehicula, egestas diam nec, hendrerit massa.

      • Chris Karter
        08.11.2018 at 09:30

        Sed dolor ligula, dictum ac mattis nec, sagittis non ipsum. Integer sollicitudin nunc vitae nisi facilisis, sed rutrum elit vestibulum.

        • Dr. Emma Stone
          08.11.2018 at 09:35

          Aenean sem quam, malesuada non venenatis non, porta et magna. Donec nec urna eget sapien ornare tristique. Quisque ac accumsan leo. Curabitur elementum ligula in libero dictum, eu placerat lacus posuere.

  2. Ms. Karine Macejkovic DDS
    07.11.2018 at 13:07

    Reiciendis rerum ipsam sed repellendus et aliquid. Animi voluptas esse quis occaecati et et aut molestiae.

    Aspernatur minima velit ea quidem magnam praesentium vel. Sit sapiente deserunt quod totam. Cum inventore quis nisi laborum consequatur dicta numquam.

    Minima repellendus autem illo unde quaerat necessitatibus. Architecto quod doloremque enim eos voluptate. Dolorem ut consequatur maiores autem doloribus.

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